HomeGuidelinesAided School Appointment Reservations for Disability Candidates Aided School Appointment Reservations for Disability Candidates GHS MUTTOM BLOG . IN 04:48 0 Govt Orders and Circulars Differently Abled - Reservation in Aided Schools | à´ിà´¨്നശേà´·ി à´¸ംവരണം 15/3/2023 à´²െ ഇടക്à´•ാà´² à´µിà´§ിà´¨്à´¯ാà´¤്à´¤ിà´¨്à´±െ à´…à´Ÿിà´¸്à´¥ാനത്à´¤ിà´²് à´¸്à´µീà´•à´°ിà´š്à´š നടപടി - à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š് - Circular No.H(2)/295299/2021/DGE Dated, 22/07/2023 Differently Abled - Reservation in Aided Schools | à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡് – à´ിà´¨്നശേà´·ി à´¸ംവരണവുà´®ാà´¯ി ബന്ധപ്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ à´¸ംശയങ്ങളും പരാà´¤ിà´•à´³ും പരിഹരിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨ാà´¯ി à´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´്à´¯ാà´¸ വകുà´ª്à´ªിà´²െ à´µിà´µിà´§ തലങ്ങളിà´²് à´¸െà´²്à´²ുà´•à´³് à´°ൂà´ªീà´•à´°ിà´š്à´š് ഉത്തരവ് à´ªുറപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´µിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു - ORDER No.H2/295299/2021-DGE Dated, 17/06/2023 Differently Abled - Reservation in Aided Schools | à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡് – à´ിà´¨്നശേà´·ി à´¸ംവരണം – à´¬ാà´•്à´•്à´²ോà´—് കണക്à´•ാà´•്à´•ിà´¯ുà´³്à´³ à´¨ിയമനം à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š് à´±ോà´¸്à´±്റര് തയ്à´¯ാà´±ാà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨ും à´ിà´¨്നശേà´·ി à´¸ംവരണവുà´®ാà´¯ി ബന്ധപ്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ് തടസ്സപ്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ് à´•ിà´Ÿà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ à´…à´§്à´¯ാപക/ അനധ്à´¯ാപക à´¨ിയമനങ്ങള് à´…ംà´—ീà´•à´°ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨ുà´³്à´³ à´ªുà´¤ുà´•്à´•ിà´¯ à´®ാà´°്à´— à´¨ിà´°്à´¦്à´¦േശങ്ങള് à´ªുറപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´µിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു - Circular No.H2/295299/2021/DGE Dated, 17/06/2023 à´¸ംà´¸്à´¥ാനത്à´¤െ à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡് à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ുà´•à´³ിà´²് à´ിà´¨്നശേà´·ി à´¸ംവരണം നടപ്à´ªാà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨ുà´³്à´³ à´®ാà´°്à´—്à´—à´°േà´– à´േദഗതി വരുà´¤്à´¤ി ഉത്തരവ് à´ªുറപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´µിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു - Differently Abled Reservation in Aided Schools | Order G.O.(MS) No.74/2023/GEDN Dated, 09/06/2023 à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡് - à´ിà´¨്നശേà´·ി à´¸ംവരണം – à´¬ാà´•്à´•് à´²ോà´—് à´¨ിയമനം à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š à´±ോà´¸്à´±്റര് പരിà´¶ോà´§ിà´š്à´š് à´•à´£്à´«െം à´šെà´¯്à´¯ുà´¨്നതിà´¨ുà´³്à´³ à´®ാà´°്à´—്à´—à´¨ിà´°്à´¦്à´¦േശങ്ങള് | Aided - PwD Reservation in Aided Schools (Differently Abled) - Circular No.H2/295299/2021/DGE Dated, 16/05/2023 AIDED - PwD Reservation in Aided Schools (Differently Abled) - à´ിà´¨്നശേà´·ി à´¸ംവരണം à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകരുà´Ÿെ à´…à´ª്à´ªീà´²ിà´¨്à´®േà´²് à´¸ുà´ª്à´°ീം à´•ോà´Ÿà´¤ി ഉത്തരവ് - No(s).9566/2023 Dated, 15/05/2023 Upper age relaxation for differently abled reservation appointments in aided schools without sufficient number of children – guidelines issued.G.O.(Ms)No.51/2023/GEDN Dated, 02/05/2023 Aided Legislation - Amends circular dated 31.03.2023 regarding reservation for differently abled persons Circular Dated 25-04-2023 Recognition of Aided Schools in the State -Guidelines for recognition of appointments made by Managers in aided schools in the State by verifying the Roster Register through synchronization with respect to reservations for differently abled persons Aided School Appointment Reservations for Disability Candidates -Instructions Go.No,29/2023/GEDN Aided School Appointment Reservations for Disability Candidates Interim Order dated 13/12/2022 of the Hon'ble High Court Division Bench on Disability Reservation Interim Order dated 13/12/2022 of the Hon'ble High Court Division Bench on Disability Reservation Guidelines for differently abled placement in aided schools Reservation for the differently abled in aided schools-Guidelines Aided School-Disability Reservation Social Justice Department – Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act2016 – Providing reservation in promotion to Employees who are Persons with Disabilities in State Service Posts Identified for Appointment of Persons with Disabilities Disability Reservation Final judgement Employment Office letter Annexture II FAQ-Reservations for Persons with Disabilities Disability Certificate Form VIII General Conditions Tags Guidelines Newer Older